About Us
Globalisation comes with its share of opportunities. It has also presented many-a-challenge – many of which lie outside India’s frontiers and many within. We understand both the opportunities and challenges that a world without borders presents for India’s foreign trade stakeholders. We recognise the need for growth of India’s biggest business ambassadors and our efforts are concentrated in one single direction – to make ‘Made In India’ a common product tag across the shelves of all First and Third World economies.
We aim to be the voice of India's Export Import Community. As a non-government, not-for-profit organisation, we work towards facilitating the growth of India's foreign trade while protecting interests of stakeholders, including but not limited to exporters, importers, logistics companies, CHAs and related consulting and legal entities. We believe in the philosophy of facilitating India’s advancement in the world of global trade, by encouraging and supporting the EXIM community in the country.